Healthy weight loss


How many pounds per week do you need to lose to lose weight healthy?
It is no secret that being overweight is bad for your health. But sudden weight loss can also be dangerous. Recently, U.S. experts conducted a study and found out how many pounds you need to lose per week to lose weight healthily. They point out that less than a week is needed for significant weight loss.
If you follow the rules of proper nutrition and take the time to exercise, you can lose close to a pound in the first week. This does not harm human health.
In the first week, water comes out of the body, not fats. After that, weight gain should not exceed 500 grams per week. To speed up the process of healthy weight loss, it is recommended to consume products that are low in calories, but also high in complex carbohydrates.
Mirjalal Madvaliyev prepared.

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