The Shari'ah ruling on the consumption of sausage products


It can be processed like sausage the judgment of the meat products will be the same as the judgment of their origin. If the meat is made from an unclean animal, or if it is a halal animal, but it has not been slaughtered according to the Shari'ah, or if it contains substances that are considered to be haraam, then eating them the shar'a is unclean. However, it is permissible to eat only until there is a risk of death due to the necessity of starvation, until this danger is eliminated.
If these products are free from such substances and do not contain substances that are extremely harmful to human health, the shelf life has expired and the person who ate them has not reached the level of poisoning, there is no shar'i pleasure and harm in consuming them.
As long as the situation is as above, the fact that they are of Western and non-Muslim origin, or that their names are strange, cannot be a shar'i basis for calling them haram or makruh, nor for blaming those who consume these things. Maybe it’s a deep cut and extremism in a sense.
Man cannot put everyone in one mold. He cannot force everyone to think as he does, to look at things through his own prism. Indeed, we have clear Shari'ah criteria in matters of halal and haram. We call what falls on them unclean. We have no right to return what has not fallen, even if we abstain from it out of piety.
Because this work will make it difficult for people to practice our religion, which is noble, easy and light, costly and hassle-free.
Our forefathers did not impose these things on others, even though they were burdened with additional prayers, piety, and vara. In turn, they did not blame the people who were doing the permissible work, saying that it was a preference and mustahab.
As a young man, I spent part of my life in the UAE. At that time, my neighbors were some people from another country. They did not pray, they drank vodka, and they even went out with the girls. However, one day a man from one of the regions of Uzbekistan, who lived with them, brought halal sausage from the supermarket and cooked it in their pans and threatened to kill him.
While the man was frying this thing in the kitchen, he came to the top, shouted that he had defiled everything, threw the pan with the food inside, threw the knife as well, and then paid for it.

Such false piety is not and cannot be a false, perverted criterion. These are just some of the things that once came to our minds from the rejection of our ancestors in the days when pork was added to sausages.

Then, about the names. One post emphasized the meaning of the word hot dog. Let's say that the origin of this dish goes back to dog meat. In fact, this is not clear. However, if the sausages currently used for that dish are devoid of dirty products, it is simply not right to discredit them for the word ‘dog’ in the name.
They say content is important, not form. We also say that the essence, not the name, is important. The names of many of the Companions were the same as the names of strange animals. Not all of them have changed their names.
If we pay attention to each name and go deep, eh-he what doesn’t seem weird.
It is a different matter not to eat fast food products on the surface of the diet and for the purpose of healthy eating, as there is no food that can be cooked at home for a long time. Because fast food, as its name implies, is a fast food, it cannot be as beneficial to the human body as food that is fried and boiled for a certain period of time. Regular consumption can also lead to weight gain.
However, nor can this lead to a judgment of being unclean until it is clear that these foods contain impurities. Eating too much fatty foods at home also leads to obesity, after all.
Note: The opinion of the author may not represent the point of view of the editors.

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