Course Title: Life and work of Alisher Navoi.


Course Title: Life and work of Alisher Navoi.
 The goal:
1) Educational: To acquaint students with the life and work of our grandfather Alisher Navoi. To give an idea on the topic.
2) Educational: To form students' respect for the cultural and spiritual heritage left by their ancestors.
3) Developer: To develop students' ability to think freely, express themselves freely, and develop oral skills.
Classroom:Literature, portrait of A. Navoi, pictures depicting his life, works of Navoi, slides.
Lesson method: Explanation, question and answer, conversation, cluster.
Course Outline:
I.Organizational part : Students are prepared for the lesson, the information on duty is listened to and visited. Organizational conversation is organized.
II. Reinforcement of the previous topic: Questions are asked about Oybek's story "Childhood":
1. When was this work of Oybek written? 2. What was your impression of the story?
III. Working on new material.
- Why do we call Alisher Navoi the sultan of the Ghazal dynasty?
- What is the purpose of studying the life and work of Alisher Navoi?
- What do you think is the greatness of Alisher Navoi?
- What is the spiritual significance of Navoi's heritage? Information on the topic is shown and explained through slides.
Slide 1:
Childhood of Alisher Navoi
He was born on February 1441, 9, in a place called the Garden State House in Herat.
At the age of 4-5, he loved to read Farididdin Attor's Mantiq ut-tayr.
From the age of 8-9, he began to practice poetry.
Slide 2.
Alisher Navoi is 12 years old
"Orazin closes my eyes, tears are flowing every moment, Boylakim, the rising sun will appear yulduz"
"Malik ul-kalam" was recognized by Mawlana Lutfi with his ghazal that begins with Matla.
MINISTER IN 1472-74.

Slide 4:
A. Navoi - statesman and public figure.
A. Navoi is a patron of science and enlightenment, a nationalist poet. He does a lot of good deeds for the peace and prosperity of the people.
He built many madrasas, mosques, hospitals, libraries, bridges, and dug canals.

In 1483-85, Alisher Navoi created the first and only work in Turkey "Khamsa" (Five).
Alisher Navoi is a linguist.
A.Navoi in his work “Muhokamatul-lug'atayin” (Discussion of two languages) compared Turkish and Persian languages ​​and proved that Turkish language is beautiful, elegant and attractive, rich language.
About the works "Mezon ul-avzon" and "Tarihi mulki ajam"
The work "Mezon ul-avzon" is devoted to the study of literature, and provides detailed information about the weight of the petition, its pillars.
Alisher Navoi in his book "Tarihi mulki ajam" (History of Ajam kings) provides extensive information about the kings of Iran.

"If we call this great man a saint, he is a saint of saints, a thinker is a thinker of thinkers, a poet is a sultan of poets."
Islam Karimov.
"High spirituality is an invincible force."


The work is organized in a competitive manner. Pupils “Nazm”, “Navo”,
Divided into groups "Stars of Oriental Poetry"
"Mental Attack"
Poetry group:
Navoi's full name? (Nizomiddin)
The whole Turkic world calls Alisher Navoi "Shams ul-millat". What does that mean? (Sun of the Nation).
What is the meaning of the nickname "Foniy"? (Derived from the word "Fano" - absence, temporary)
"Navo ”group:
1. What is the meaning of the word "Navo"? (Song) As a child, Alisher Navoi read with interest not only Farididdin Attor's Mantiq ut-tayr. (Saadi's "Gulistan", "Boston").
"Stars of Oriental Poetry ”group;
What does Navoi call Samarkand in his work? (Firdavsmonand describes paradise as an example).
What is the meaning of the epic "Hayrat ul-abror"? (“Surprise of Good People”).
When was Alisher Navoi's "Khamsa" created? (Between 1483-1485).
After the question and answer session, the group work is monitored using the "Cluster" method.
The group "Nazm" will place the works of Alisher Navoi, the group "Navo" will place the ghazals of Alisher Navoi, and the group "Stars of Oriental Poetry" will demonstrate knowledge on the condition of "Navoi hymn in the works of poets"
El-yurt bakhtin bilgay saodat
Tolerate trials,
Humility is a habit
The man who read Navoi.
Don't waste time,
Memorize the poem, the ghazal again.
Blind to the grief of group pain
The man who read Navoi.
In Turkish poetry,
He turned the country around.
His poems did not fail
My grandfather Navoi, the sultan of poetry
1. To the group "Nazm":
Question: Do you know the names of places and institutions associated with the name of Alisher Navoi in our country?
Answer: Navoi region, National Library named after Alisher Navoi, National Park named after Alisher Navoi…
2. To the Navo group:
What is the opinion of contemporaries about Alisher Navoi?
3. To the group "Stars of Oriental Poetry":
Question: Where are the monuments in honor of Alisher Navoi?
Answer: in Tashkent, Navoi region, Baku, the capital of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Tokyo, the capital of Japan, Moscow, the capital of Russia.
At the end of the lesson, "What did you learn about Alisher Navoi in today's lesson?" Students will get an answer to the question.
Points are accumulated. The winning team will be determined.
Questions and answers:
1. Why should we study the life and work of Alisher Navoi?
2. Can we add Alisher Navoi to the list of perfect people? Why?
3. What is the spiritual significance of Navoi's works?
V. Completion of the lesson: Assessed according to student participation.
VI.Homework: To study the life and work of Navoi, to memorize ghazals and rubai
Tashkent city
In Uchtepa district
107- specialized school
Uzbek language teacher RG Ahmedova
On the theme "Life and work of Alisher Navoi"
coursework prepared by

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